Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) health care informations.Email: kidneyfailurecn@hotmail.com
Monday, November 11, 2013
Some Treatments for Polycystic Kidney Disease
PKD, which is the short version for polycystic kidney disease, is a type of illness that can cause havoc and bring about fluid filled cysts inside of your kidneys. If these cysts are to appear inside of your kidneys, then it’s going to really harm the way that these vital organs perform their proper functions of filtering out the unwanted waste that doesn’t belong in your body.
Progression of PKD can be slowed through medication, lifestyle choices and regular doctor visits. It is important to remember that the severity of PKD varies from patient to patient, and the probability of renal failure depends on the number and size of the cysts.
Control your blood pressure. PKD can lead to chronic high blood pressure, which can further damage the kidneys and even lead to aneurysms and other high blood pressure-related conditions.
Get regular checkups. Going to the doctor once or twice a year for a checkup and blood work can help your doctor detect complications, infections and massive cysts that can speed up the progression of PKD to end-stage kidney failure.
Undergo kidney dialysis or kidney transplant. According to the National Kidney and Urological Diseases Information Clearinghouse, 50 percent of the 600,000 Americans suffering from PKD will eventually require dialysis, removal of one or both kidneys and a kidney transplant.
Chinese herbs—It is a natural remedy with few side effects. As for the herbal lists, asiatic plantain and lalang grass rhizome have been proven that they can help increase the permeability of cystic walls and adjust the inner and outer pressure of the cysts.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Shrink Cysts in Polycystic Kidney Disease Naturally

Cysts usually begin as an outpouching (like a blister) anywhere along the length of the nephrons. Approximately 70% of the cysts detach from the nephron when they are small and proceed to enlarge as they fill with either clear fluid or fluid that may contain blood cells. In patients with PKD, hundreds to thousands of cysts can develop that range from the size of a pinhead to as large as a grapefruit (10-20 cm.) in diameter.
Natural Remedy to Shrink Cysts in Polycystic Kidney Disease
Herbs used in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy have function to expanding blood vessels and promoting blood circulation. With the help of these herbs, blood pressure outside the cyst can be decreased to the level that is lower
than that inside the cysts. Under such a condition, cystic fluid oozes out easily.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Polycystic Kidney Disease Knowledge
The most common symptoms are pain in the back and the sides-between the ribs and hips-and headaches. The pain can be temporary or persistent, mild or severe.
People with PKD also can experience the following complications:
urinary tract infections-specifically, in the kidney cysts
hematuria-blood in the urine
liver and pancreatic cysts
abnormal heart valves
high blood pressure
kidney stones
aneurysms-bulges in the walls of blood vessels-in the brain
diverticulosis-small pouches bulge outward through the colon
PKD treated
In the meantime, many supportive treatments can be done to help prevent or slow down the loss of kidney function in people with PKD and control symptoms. These include:
careful control of blood pressure
prompt treatment with antibiotics of a bladder or kidney infection
lots of fluid when blood in the urine is first noted
medication to control pain (talk to your doctor about which over-the-counter medicines are safe to take if you have kidney disease)
a healthy lifestyle with regard to smoking cessation, exercise, weight control and reduced salt intake
Friday, September 6, 2013
Can I Drink Alcohol or Smoking If I Have Polycystic Kidney Disease
"If you have a polycystic kidney disease, can you drink alcohol or smoke sheesha or a cigarette?"
Alcohol can increase your chance of developing high blood pressure, which is known to accelerate the decline in kidney function in PKD, as well as other kidney diseases, even light drinking may increase blood pressure, especially if done on a regular basis.
If you already have high blood pressure, alcohol can interfere with your medications and make it harder to control your blood pressure. Uncontrolled or poorly controlled high blood pressure is more likely to damage your kidneys. Regular alcohol consumption can damage kidney function, particularly if liver disease is also present. Researchers have observed alcohol-related changes in the kidneys that impairs their ability to regulate fluid and electrolytes in the body. This is especially a problem when liver disease is present, so those with liver cysts may want to be especially cautious. Chronic high intake of alcohol can cause both liver and kidney failure.
Smoking bad for the kidneys
Smoking increases a person’s risk for kidney cancer, but it also hurts your heart and blood vessels. This damage can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure. If a person already has kidney disease, smoking can make it worse more quickly.
MORE:Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cure Polycystic Kidney Disease
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Foods That Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients Should Eat
No strict rules exist in the amount of food for PKD(Polycystic Kidney Disease) patients. However, patients with PKD should avoid eating or drinking too much, for much food will bring more byproducts or wastes which will make impaired kidneys overwork and worn out. In fact, patients should eat less high salt, high potassium and high fat food, which will stimulate the cysts to enlarge and speed up the progression.
The foods that Polycystic Kidney disease patients should eat more and often:
1. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins
2. Fruits and vegetables rich in iron, like carrots etc.
3. Foods that can degrade Rune of Stone, like black fungus.
4. Foods with the function of Diuresis.
5. Alkaline food is encouraged, which has a subsidiary function.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Natural Treatment to Improve the Kidney Function of PKD GFR 41
GFR is a measure of the function of the kidneys. For PKD patients with GFR 41, he is in Stage 3 CKD and more than 50% of the renal function has been damaged. However, if treated in time, the renal function can still be recovered, so early treatment is of great importance. While, is there any natural treatment that can improve the kidney function of Polycystic Kidney Disease GFR 41?
In order to reach our purpose, we should try to shrink the PKD cysts and reduce the cysts' oppression to the normal tissues. There are mainly 3 steps in dealing with this situation:
1. An accurate diagnosis. Only if we make everything clear, can we treat the disease
correspondingly and effectively. We should also make the damage of tubules and glomeruli clearly. So certain tests should be done to guide the treatment including β 2-microglobulin, Cyc C, homocysteine and RBP are also necessary.
2. Block inflammation of the kidneys and inhibit the process of renal fibrosis. Based on the scientific diagnosis, the medicine, dose, and duration will be quite exact. With scientific application of western medicine and orally taking herbal medicine, the immune reaction in the kidneys can be well controlled. In our hospital, all of our doctors have fully grasp of the use of medicines.
3. Reduce the secretion of cystic liquid secretion and shrink the PKD cysts gradually. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the blood circulation on the cyst wall and make the cystic liquid reabsorbed and discharged out of the body through urine. The cysts' pressure on the around renal tissues can be reduced. The function of the intrinsic cells will recover over time. One particularly effective medicine called Mai Kang He Ji can also be used to strengthen the overall immune ability and nourish blood and Qi. The medicines come mainly from natural plants, so they will supply necessary nutrition for kidney repair.
If the damaged kidneys of PKD patient with GFR 41 are well repaired, his condition will surely be much better. Then he can live a normal life without worrying about dialysis.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
What Age does Polycystic Kidney Disease Set in
Healthy kidneys are primarily responsible for filtering the blood, removing waste products and extra electrolytes, and also regulating blood pressure. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disorder which is marked by the formation of multiple fluid-filled cysts on the kidneys. Over time, the disease may cause that kidneys to function improperly (because the normal kidney tissue is replaced by the cysts), ultimately progressing to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). While, what age does PKD set in?
People cannot catch PKD from a virus or by being exposed to another person who has this disorder. It is hereditary and there are two distinct forms of the disease that are classified based on their inheritance patterns.
▪ Autosomal dominant PKD is by far the most common form of PKD and runs in families, which is passed from parent to child. Children of parents with this disease have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene. About 10% of patients have a gene that mutated causing the disease. About half of people with ADPKD progress to Renal Failure.
▪ Autosomal recessive PKD occurs in only about 1 in every 125,000 people. It strikes infants sometimes even before birth. The disease is also called "infantile PKD". Both parents must be carriers of the ARPKD gene to pass it to a child. Children have a 25 percent chance of getting this disease.
ADPKD patients often have no symptoms until they reach between age of 30~40. The most common symptoms include high blood pressure, hematuria (blood in the urine) and/or pain in the back, sides and belly.
While, ARPKD is usually diagnosed very early on. An ultrasound can reveal cysts in a fetus's kidneys, while it is still in the womb. This disease can also affects other areas of the body such as the liver, pancreas, and spleen, causing low blood cell counts, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
By age of 60, about 50% of PKD patients will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to replace the kidneys' function. Of children with ARPKD, about 1/3 will need dialysis or a transplant by the time of 10-years old.
However, some PKD patients are living a normal life without dialysis, since they receive standard treatment which can help shrink the enlarged cysts, stop the progress of disease, and restore the kidney functions.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Can the Cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease be Controlled and Shrinked
As is known to us, Polycystic Kidney Disease is an inherited disease which shows the highest incidence in those with family histories. However, at the early stage, the cysts are relatively small and may not be easily found before 20 years old; while from 30 to 40 years old, the cysts enter a fast development stage, during which traditional measures in western medicine are to keep close observation of the cysts and to take according methods in case of symptoms.
For the grown-up cysts, operations such as windowing decompression and pumping liquid and solidification surgery are often taken, which, on the one hand, can relieve the pressure of the cysts on the renal parenchyma and prolong the development the disease; however, on the other hand, the relieved pressure may offer an environment for the remaining cysts to continue growing. Therefore, traditional surgeries can't treat the cysts fundamentally. Then is there any method with which the cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease can be controlled and shrinked without recurring?
The root of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease is to block the renal fibrosis process caused by the pressure of the growing cysts on renal parenchyma. On this respect, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which achieves its effects by penetrating the effective Micro-Chinese medicine into the renal lesions with penetrant and infiltration devices, has really done it successfully. In comparison with traditional western medicine, it can avoid the side effects of oral medicines and lead the effective composition of the medicines to the kidneys without bringing new traumas. More exactly, Micro-Chinese Medicine shrinks the cysts by blocking renal fibrosis with its four principle functions of vascular dilation, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and degradation, which can be seen as follows:
1. Vascular dilation :
It can expand all the renal arteries of Polycystic Kidney Disease sufferers, improve local microcirculatory disorders, increase effective renal perfusion, improve the hypoxia state of the damaged kidneys and fasten the repairing of damaged renal intrinsic cells; moreover, it can expand the vessels on vascular walls around the polycystic kidneys and increase the permeability of cystic walls; reverse the pressure difference between the intravascular pressure and the intracapsular pressure, therefore, the cysts can be shrinked gradually.
2. Anti-inflammation
Eliminate the inflammatory response caused by the damages of renal intrinsic cells as a result of the extrusion of the cysts on the kidneys.
3. Anticoagulation
Eliminate the micro thrombus activated by the coagulation mechanism as a result of the damages of renal intrinsic cells.
4. Degradation
The active substance of the Micro-Chinese Medicine can degradate and excrete the abnormal accumulation of extracellular matrix. Moreover, it can promote the excretion of accumulated immune complex, metabolites, and necrotic tissues.
Besides, the above four measures, the active substance can promote the phynotypic reversion of damaged intrinsic cells and provide necessary repairing substances for damaged renal intrinsic cells. Therefore, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can really achieve the goal of shrinking the cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease and fastening the repairing process. Finally the symptoms such as hypertension and hematuria will also disappear with its roots diminished.
Monday, June 17, 2013
What Is the Symptoms of PKD in End Stage
Nowadays, more and more people get Polycystic Kidney Disease (hereinafter called PKD), and fat people have higher incidence of PKD because they are likely to get Hypertension and Diabetes. However, PKD does not present special symptoms in the early stage. Once symptoms appear, PKD usually accesses to more severe stages like Renal Failure or Uremia. It is helpful to recognize PKD symptoms in end stage so that patients can make necessary precautions and take treatment properly.
I, cysts enlarge. The volume of cyst increases, and it is 10 times of normal one virtually. Kidneys have paramorphia, for instances, renal pelvis and calices present abnormal shapes; the integral structure of renal papilla and renal pyramid are damaged respectively
II, cysts presents ball and they have different size.
III, Polycystic Kidney enlarge with the cysts, and nephrons are damaged totally. Renal Failure and Uremia can occur successively, renal functions are destroyed virtually.
IV, Hematuria
Hematuria occurs when cysts volume enlarge to cause cysts rupture. The main reasons to cause cysts rupture are probably fierce exercises or over fatigue. In this case, patients need to see the doctor immediately, or else cysts will rupture which arouses the aggravation of disease.
V, Complications occur, let’s say eye-ground lesion. Hypertension arouse eyebase arteriosclerosis, which reduces blood supply to retina; massive Hematuria incurs Hemoglobin B to decrease dramatically which further damages optic nervous lesion and blood supply on the original injuries. At last, secondary optic atrophy happens.
The above passages introduce PKD symptoms in End stage. Patients should take immediate treatment on PKD. In the early stage, patients must not neglect them because of no apparent symptoms, or else it will imperil life with the enlargement of cysts and the treatment will meet many challenges as well.
If you still have other confusion about PKD, you can email me at kidneyfailurecn@hotmail.com.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
What are the Causes Polycystic Kidney Disease Proteinuria
Proteinuria is one of the most common symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). The degree of proteinuria differs very much according to different patients. While, no matter the proteinuria is serious or slight, it is an important index to analyse the kidney disease. Then what are the causes of proteinuria?
The main cause is that the glomerulus filtration film was damaged, which will lead to the increase of its permeability and the leaking of protein. The pathology process is as following: when various pathology damages lead to the obstacle of renal focal microcirculation, they will cause the ischemia and anemia of the kidney. The condition of ischemia and anemia will lead to the damage of blood capillary endothelial cells and blood capillary. Then the damage of blood capillary will attract the invading of inflammatory cells to the blood circulation system. The inflammatory cells may release the inflammatory factors and start the process of renal fibrosis. The inflammation of kidney will cause the pores on the glomerulus filtration film getting bigger or close. Then the permeability of glomerulus filtration film will increase and the protein will leak out.
Then how can we treat proteinuria? To treat the propeinuria effectively and control the development of disease, we must proceed from the causes of proteinuria. There are two key points for the treatment: First, inactivate the inflammatory factors to prevent from the further damage of glomerulus. Second, repair the damaged renal inherent cells and repair the damaged renal function to prevent from the leaking of protein.
As for the first point, western medicine has good effects to inactive the inflammatory factors. With the treatment, the proteinuria will gradually get better. While, as for the repair of renal cells and renal function, we must use Micro-Chinese Medicine to repair the damaged renal cells and renal function. By the two methods we can treat the disease fundamentally.
If you have other questions about PKD and the treatment, please contact us on-line or by email.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Can Polycystic Kidney Disease Take Exercise
Can Polycystic Kidney Disease take exercise? This is a puzzling problem for PKD patients. According to this problem, specialists on Kidney Disease notice that PKD patients can take physical exercise properly and scientifically, but excessive exercise is forbidden. As for PKD patients, which standard of daily exercise and work can not affect their body health? Normally, this depends on patients’ individual illness condition. Generally speaking, there are very few problems before patients are 30 years old. Though cysts of most PKD patients begin to compress each other, the pressure caused by cysts is tiny in this period. So patients can take some safe exercise at this moment, but crashing exercise like basketball should be avoided. Usual light exercise can not affect kidneys normally.
If patients are about 40 years old, they should pay more attention on daily work and life. Because cysts produce larger pressure in this period and strenuous exercise usually bring cyst rupture to patients. For this reason, patients should avoid pressure or collision on kidney region. Especially for a housewife, they should be more cautious when she is looking after a baby in order to prevent baby kicking her kidney region.
As for patients who had suffered from Haematuria before, they are required to pay more attention on their daily activity, because cysts of these patients are much easier to get cyst rupture. In order to prevent Haematuria recurrence, patients should take some exercise with less bending angle and lighter strength burn. Besides, these patients should take chairs with similar height of their knee when they are sitting. Walking and slow run can be taken as main morning exercise.
In a word, PKD patients who want to take some exercise should take a proper exercise volume and avoid excessive activity. Besides, the most important thing is to treat PKD in time and control cysts growing. Only in this way, PKD patients can have a normal life as other healthy person.
more for you: How Long Can A PKD Patient Live on Dialysis
Principles of Daily Life for PKD Patients
As for PKD patients, no matter they are in regular treatment time or in a convalescence stage, they should pay attention to their personal diet and related health care points, which is beneficial for PKD patients to get a relative better prognosis.
Ⅰ. Life care:
Firstly, patients should improve their both mental and physical rest. For example, Nephrotic Hypertension patients should check blood pressure regularly and adjust their bed rest time according to their blood pressure change.
Secondly, proper diet: special diet should depend on different illness conditions. For example, if patients are in Renal Insufficiency period, they should have a diet with proper high calorie and rational high-quality low protein. Besides, liquid intake should also be limited in order to keep water balance.
Thirdly, patients should keep their mouth care after a meal in order to eliminate bad breath, reduce nausea and prevent bacteria and mildew growing.
Fourthly, patients should pay more attention on skin cleanness in order to prevent skin infection. On point should be noticed that patients should avoid soap and alcohol. As for patients who suffer from serious Edema, they especially should care their skin cleanness and change lying position frequently in order to prevent bedsore.
Ⅱ. Mental and psychology:
This refers to adjusting mood and emotion in Chinese Medicine. Kidney Disease has a long course with frequent recurrence, so patients usually have heavy mental burden. For this reason, it is important to encourage patients to talk about their trouble and encourage them to have a healthy emotion and relaxing mind in order to avoid negative emotion.
From the above, we hope that it will be helpful for PKD patients. However, the key to treat PKD is to block Renal Fibrosis and recover injured renal inherent cells, which can control cysts growth effectively and prevent this disease developing into Renal Failure and Uremia.
more for you:Can Patients with PKD in ESRD Avoid Dialysis
Diet Principle for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients
Polycystic Kidney Disease patients should pay more attention on their daily diet which is a very important aspect in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease. As for diet of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, some points should be noticed:
Protein limitation: In modern medicine theory, high or low protein ingestion is both harmful to human bodies, especially too much protein intake. High protein intake can produce more metabolic waste, such as urea, creatinine, guanidines and other nitrogenous metabolic wastes, all of which can be found in End Stage Renal Failure and toxin of Uremia.
Due to declined metabolic ability of Kidney Disease patients, besides protein limitation and avoiding greasy food, slated food and spicy food as well as pollutant food should also be avoided. A proper protein intake is beneficial to reduce kidney burden and decrease incidence of End Stage Renal Failure and Uremia, playing a significant role in relieving illness condition.
Salt limitation: salt intake should be limited according to patients’ illness condition and severity of renal function injury. But not all Kidney Disease patients need salt limitation.
Water ingestion: due to declined renal concentrated function, metabolic waste can be excreted out of human body with more water supply. If patients do not have obvious symptoms of Edema, Heart Failure and High Blood Pressure, they should take in water scientifically.
Generally speaking, Polycystic Kidney Disease patients should avoid salted food, spicy food, polluted food as well as broiled dishes. If patients’ illness condition has developed into Renal Failure or Uremia, patients should also avoid beans and bean production.
more for you: Can I Shrink Cysts in PKD with a Diet
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Food that Can Drop the Blood Pressure
There are a variety of symptoms of the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), and hypertension is one of the common symptoms of this disease. Except the regular medicine treatment, many kinds of food have the function of dropping blood pressure.
First, fruit:1, apples, containing abundant organic acid, fructopyrancose, pectin, cellulose and many kinds of trace elements, such as lithium, bromine, zinc and so on, have the functions of preventing angiosclerosis, preventing and treating arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. According to the recent years’ research, eating more apples is especially good for the hypertension patients who like taking in too much salt.
2, watermelon: containing more than ten kinds of nutrient, watermelon has good effects on treating hypertension. Both the peel and seed of watermelon can be used.
3, fresh plum: plums are rich in acid, citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid and other nutrient substance. As for hypertension patients who have the symptoms of swirl, insomnia, they can use some blackberry of many years’ standing and stew them with proper boiling water, then take in the water and plums, which has the functions of dropping blood pressure, clearing heat and promoting fluid.
4, lemon: it is rich in vitamin C and P. so lemons have the functions of increasing the elasticity and toughness of the blood vessels, remitting the calcium ion and promoting the blood clotting, preventing and treating hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
Second, medicine porridge: 1, carrot porridge: cut up 120g fresh carrot and boil it with 100g polished round-grained rice.
2, celery porridge: cut up 90g celery, together with the root of celery, and then boil it with 100g polished round-grained rice.
3, garlic porridge: put 30g peeled garlic into the boiling water. One minute later, fish the garlic out and then put 100g rice into the same water. After the rice having been boiled, put the boiled garlic into the porridge for a while. Then you can enjoy it.
4, lotus leaf: boil the lotus leaf with 100g rice and you can take it as a common meal.
Third, an effective folk remedy for hypertension: make the one egg boiled. Peel the egg white and eat it. Then put the egg yolk in a bowl and smash it into powder. Then add proper vinegar to it. Mix them up and take in. long-term taking can drop the blood pressure.
Dietary therapy is one method of Chinese medicine and it is also a method of natural treatment. On one hand, it can treat disease. Meanwhile the patients can enjoy the delicious and healthy food. What a wonderful thing it is.
The Hazards of Proteinuria Caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease
Proteinuria is one of the most common symptoms of the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). The hazards of the proteinuria are not just the serious drain of the protein nutrition. Proteinuria will also cause the damage to the glomerulus and kidney tubules, thus it can cause the fibrosis of kidney. according to the clinical researches, proteinuria is one of the independent factors which can cause uremia. The greatest hazard of proteinuria is to corrode the kidney tissues and t cause uremia. Then what are the specific hazards of proteinuria?
First, proteinuria has the mesentery toxicity: in the model of renal failure, we can observe that the haemocyanin will accumulate in the glomerulus mesentery, which will cause the damage to the mesentery cells and the hyperplasia of the mesentery cells and the increase of combining of the various mesentery matrix, thus proteinuria can cause the hardening of the glomerulus. Besides, when there are low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein in the glomerulus, the deposition of the apoprotein A and B will gradually lead to the hardening of glomerulus.
Second, proteinuria has the toxins to the proximal convoluted tubule cells: when there is the symptom of pproteinuria, the amount of protein entering the kidney tubule epithelial cells will increase, which will lead to the increase of lysosome activity and cause the lysosome spill into the cytoplasm of kidney tubules. And then subsequent damage to cells may cause the infections and the forming of scar.
Third, proteinuria may cause the cytobiology changes of the kidney tubules: protein can recuperate the function of kidney tubules directly and change the growth characteristic of the kidney tubules. The change of the protein phenotype may cause the kidney tubules basement release PDGF、FN andMCP-1, and then cause the renal fibrosis.
Forth, proteinuria may cause the aggravation of the anoxia of kidney tubules mesenchyme: the adsorption of the protein needs much extra energy, which will cause the anoxia of kidney tubules.
Therefore, protein is not just a symptom of Polycystic Kidney Disease. At the same time, it will cause various damages to the kidney tissues and kidney function.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
How to treat occult blood caused by PKD
There are various complications of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) with the enlargement of cysts. Occult blood is one of the most common complications of PKD, caused by the rupture of large cysts. Many patients didn’t find it until they had a physical examination after the appearance of hematuria. And most PKD patients will have occult blood repeatedly, which is hard to treat. There following information is about the treatment of occult blood. Hope it is helpful for you.
Usually, occult blood can be controlled after 4-8 days by taking some medicine. But very soon, it will reappear, especially for patients with anemia whose bleeding is difficult to control. If the occult blood can’t be treated timely, the platelets will reduce, causing anemia. And blood clotting mechanism will decline. If the condition is very severe, the patients may have shock or they may suddenly die caused by bleeding of all the organs. As for the patients with severe anemia, when occult blood appears, it is useless to supplement blood. So, timely treatment for occult blood is very important to the patients.
The bleeding of patients of PKD should be treated comprehensively. When hematuria appears, it may easy cause renal infection, such as, high fever, systemic edema, renal enlargement or even damage of renal function. During the treating of hematuria, anemia should also be treated to increase the number of platelets.
Then how to treat occult blood caused by PKD fundamentally? It’s recommended to combine the weatern medicine with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. After the treatment of western medicine aiming at the symptoms, the occult blood and hematuria may get controlled. Then we should adopt the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to reapir the damaged renal inherent cells and damaged renal function. For Micro-Chinese Medicine has four effects: enlarging blood vessels to improve blood circulation, anticoagulation, anti-inflammation, degradation. As for PKD, this therapy can control the enlargement of cysts and contract the cysts, by which it can prevent the occult blood from the resource. Therefore, after the treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine, the occult blood seldom recurs.
If you have other questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, just contact us on-line or by email: kidneyfailurecn@hotmail.com.
Friday, June 7, 2013
How to Treat Hypertension Caused by PKD
As hypertension is a common symptom of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and if it can’t be controlled well, it will aggravate the illness condition. Therefore, effective treatment for hypertension is very important. Then how to treat hypertension effectively? Chinese medicine has its unique effects on treating hypertension. On one hand, Chinese medicine has no side-effects and it is very safe. On the other hand, as for the treatment of hypertension caused by this disease, the key point is to treat the cysts. By Chinese medicine treatment, it can relieve the compression of cysts to renal failure and reduce the damage to renal function. Then how does Chinese medicine achieve these treatment effects on treating hypertension caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease?
On the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, we developed out Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is more effective than the traditional Chinese medicine. By external application, this therapy has its unique functions on treating hypertension caused by this disease. These functions include dilating renal blood vessels, increasing the blood perfusion of the kidney. At the same time, this therapy can improve the systemic micro-circulation of the human body, increase the oxygen supply and enhance the immunity. By all of these, this therapy can enhance the cytoactive of cysts wall, enhance the permeability of cysts wall and eliminate the cysts liquid. Meanwhile, this therapy can prevent from the secretion of cysts liquid and contract the cysts fundamentally.
Besides, this therapy can increase the vasodilatation factors which will promote the blood circulation of the cysts wall. With the function of the Chinese medicine, this therapy can relieve the compression of the cysts to surrounding renal tissue, relieve the ischemia and anemia condition of renal tissues and delay the progression of renal fibrosis. Therefore, Micro-Chinese Medicine can solve the fundamental cause of hypertension.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Creatinine Levels in Blood (Serum Creatinine)
Creatinine in blood is also called serum creatinine. It is a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism. Therefore it is closely related to the amount of muscles. It will not easily affected by diet. A minority of creatinine in blood comes from protein that people have eaten, which do not affect creatinine in blood greatly. Creatinine in blood is one of the important clinical indicators of renal function.
What does it indicate if creatinine level is high in blood?
Creatinine level in blood indicates the degree of kidney parenchyma damage clearly, but it is not a sensitive indicator. It is due to the reason that creatinine level in blood begins to decline when GFR decreases to one-third of normal people’s. Then creatinine level in blood will increase. Kidneys have strong metabolic capacity. This is why people will not have feelings about it when damage of kidney function is not serious.
What are the reasons of increase of creatinine level in blood?
1. Fatigue can cause temporary increase of creatinine level in blood.
2. If concurrent infection including cold, pneumonia, intestinal tract infection and urinary tract infection presents in people with renal dysfunction, creatinine level in blood can increase in short time.
3. Body loses more water can be one of the causes. Fever, little water intake will cause pachemia when you are in diuretic phase. Reducing of blood flow volume of kidney could cause increase of creatinine level in blood.
4. People with kidney diseases take some medication that is toxic to kidney. Creatinine level in blood can increase and sometimes it can not be reversed.
5. The relapse of kidney diseases, Oliguria even anuria may present, acute renal dysfunction can be accompanied. Then creatinine level in blood can increase.
6. If there is hypertension, creatinine level in blood can increase gradually if your blood pressure is not controlled well and moderate or large quantity of proteinuria (urine protein is more than 1 gram or even 1.5 gram) presents for a long time.
If your creatinine level in blood has increased, don't panic, sometimes it will decrease itself. But it is better to have a physical examination and get the diagnosis in time. In some cases, timly treatment of high level of creatinine in blood is suggested to prevent serious conditions.
learn more:What Does Creatinine 4.8 Mean And How to Lower It
Thursday, May 30, 2013
What Tea Can a Person on Dialysis Drinking
For patients on dialysis, they are not suggested to drink any tea, because most of tea, such as green tea, contains caffeine which will speed up the progression of your kidney disease. Even though many teas help lower high blood pressure and cholesterol level, they are not a good choice for dialysis patients. However, you can drink some juice of vegetables and fruit. But not all of them, such as orange juice. If you want to known whether your favorite drink is good for your health or not, you can leave a message below or contact our online service directly.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
PKD: Do Not Wait for Symptoms Appearance
As for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, no symptoms can be found in the early stage of this disease. For this reason, patients do not pay attention on this disease even though they know they are having this disease. Does ‘no symptoms’ equal to ‘no seriousness’? Is it really not serious?
Actually, just because there are no symptoms in the early stage, most of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients have missed the best treatment opportunity. When symptoms begin to appear, it usually means that cysts have already caused certain damage to kidney and kidney function has already been declines.
Most of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients have family history of this disease, so they know clearly what will happen if this disease progressed into end stage. Some of their family members may die from this disease; some may be accepting dialysis or waiting for a donor for Kidney Transplant; some may have already accepted Kidney transplant but now their kidneys fail again, etc. Even though they know so clearly about the harms of this disease, they seldom pay high attention on the disease they are having because they do not feel discomforts. They do not concern it seriously until symptoms, like high blood pressure, increasing creatinine, blood in urine, etc, appear. However, when these symptoms appear, it means declined kidney function. As we all know, symptoms always happen after pathological damage occurrence. So when patients feel discomforts, kidney damage has already been declined. Once kidney function declines, the difficulty of the treatment is greatly increased.
Actually, if patients can find this disease and accept effective treatment before symptoms appear and kidney function decline, Polycystic Kidney Disease can be controlled and stopped effectively. As a result, patients will not need dialysis or transplant. What’s more, the therapeutic effect is much better for patients who are still in the early stage of this disease. If you need more information about this, you can email to kidneyfailurecn@hotmail.com or consult us online.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Why do Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Have the Symptom of Anemia
Why do patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) have the symptom of anemia? When Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) develops into renal insufficiency or renal failure, patients may have the symptom of anemia. In the blood test, the report may show the low level of hemoglobin. And in clinical, patients may feel tired and lacking of strength, and the patients with the symptom of anemia may look pale. Then why do patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) have the symptom of anemia?
The main cause of the symptom of anemia is the damage to the kidney. With the enlargement of the cysts, they will compress the normal renal tissues, leading to the ischemia and anemia of the glomerulus. Glomerulus is the basic unit of the kidney’s filtration function. And there are five kinds of renal intrinsic cells, playing different roles on the kidney’s filtration procedure. And the ischemia and anemia will lead to the damage of the renal intrinsic cells, causing the necrosis of the glomerulus. And the renal function will decline gradually.
With the damage of the glomerulus and the decline of the renal function, the secretion function will decline. At this time, kidneys are failed to secret enough hemopoietin to meet the demand of the body, which is one of the main causes of the symptom of anemia. Besides, as for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients who have developed to the stage of renal insufficiency or renal failure stage, there is large quantity of toxins, which will decrease the survival time of the red blood cells.
And the decrease of intake of iron and increase of the iron loss will lead to the insufficiency of the combining of the red blood cells. All of these factors can lead to the Polycystic Kidney Disease patients suffering from the symptom of anemia.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Innovation of Renal Hypertension Treatment
Hypertension which is caused by kidney diseases is called Renal Hypertension. And hypertension is one of the most complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). As an important part of secondary hypertension, about 5%-10% adult patients with Hypertension get Renal Hypertension. It always occurs secondary to varied kidney diseases. Youth and middle-aged people have more chances to get it. Usually there is not certain disease family history. Edema, abnormal urine test, renal insufficiency, Hypertension followed will present.
Hypertension caused by ischemia because of renal artery stenosis is called Renovascular Hypertension, the percentage of which is less than a half. But the other one named Renal Parenchymal Hypertension which arises from diseases of one side or both sides kidney parenchyma can be caused by almost every kind of kidney diseases.
Nephropathy is the cause of Renal Hypertension, which makes us find that kidney problem should be solved firstly. Kidney Disease Hospital with 20 years’ history is professional. We have treated about tens of thousands of kidney diseases which are complicated with Hypertension. Many patients’ blood pressure of this disease is declined into normal level with little or without antihypertensive drugs.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy developed by Kidney Disease Hospital can expand blood vessels, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, which is suitable for this disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine will expand renal artery to improve the ischemia and anaerobic conditions. Then renal parenchyma will be recovered and begin to work again. Besides, microcirculation will be promoted too. Meanwhile blood pressure will be declined. Patients will not feel cold and sweat more and some other changes. The effective ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy have function of repairing kidney tissues. And the disease can be treated fundamentally. The damaged kidney function will be recovered partly. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is quick-acting, efficient and it can hold for a long time without operation.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Whether Polycystic Kidney Disease will Cause Kidney Damage
Polycystic Kidney Disease, a kind of hereditary disease, means the kidneys are filled with numerous fluid-filled oval cysts. The cysts will cause damage to kidneys if they are large enough. The faulty genes will pass from parents to their children.
In early stage of the disease, the cysts will lead to the swelling of kidneys. However, if the cysts are very small, no symptoms will present because the cysts will not oppress the kidneys very much.
Nevertheless, things will go worse if the cysts grow continuously. The kidney cells can not bear the pressure and lose their normal function. Worse than that, if no proper treatment is received, there is possibility that the cysts will burst. If such circumstance occurs, the kidneys are very vulnerable to be damaged and their function will decline sharply.
So, Polycystic Kidney Disease patients should perform test in time and receive treatment as early as possible. If not, a series of symptoms will show up because of the kidney damage such as abnormal urine, belly lumps, anemia, high blood pressure and discomforts in back etc.
All in all, Polycystic Kidney Disease can lead to kidney damage if the growth of kidney cysts can not be well controlled. What is worse, the illness condition can develop into End Stage Renal Failure if the cysts are out of control.
As for the treatment, we recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which can effectively shrink the cysts. Once the cysts are shrinked, all the symptoms and kidney damage caused by the cysts will be alleviated.
Monday, May 6, 2013
How to Reduce Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) is the waste product of protein metabolism in the blood, which will be filtered out of the body by the kidneys. So, a blood urea nitrogen test measuring the amount of nitrogen in the blood can be done to see how well your kidneys are working. The reference value for BUN: 7-20mg/100ml for adult, and men might be slight higher than women. If the level is higher than 60mg/dL, it is a diagnostic indictor of Uremia.
Urea nitrogen can increase through various kidney diseases such as Glomerulonephritis, Polycystic Kidney Disease as well as Kidney Failure and so on. Besides kidney damage, various factors can lead to high level of urea nitrogen which can be protein break down, liver failure and hydration status.
The traditional way of treating high serum nitrogen is through diuretic, which is not treating illness from root. It can only reduce the level of urea nitrogen temporarily. Even if the urea nitrogen level becomes low, it will rise soon.
However, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, an external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, can bring down high level of urea nitrogen from root.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
We make the effective Chinese medicine for kidney disease super-finely shattered into powder so that these substances can be mixed up and be fully used. Then, these micro-Chinese medicines are permeated into the kidney lesions directly with the help of modern facilities. Different from the traditional methods, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy lowers high urea nitrogen by repairing kidney cells and blocking renal fibrosis, thus gradually recovering kidney function. When the kidney cells are back to work, your urea nitrogen will be brought down naturally.
You can click our online service to know more about your illness condition.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Back Pain for PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)
Many PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) patients are enduring serious back pain
especially in their low back. And they complain that they can not move swiftly
and the back pain keeps them awake at night.
The pain is usually dull pain
The back pain is usually dull pain, which can be pain in either one side of the kidney or both sides. The back, upside, inner part of the thighs can also be influenced.
What are the reasons of back pain?
As we all know there are numerous cysts in both kidneys of PKD patients. The continuous growth of kidney cysts will lead to the enlargement of the kidneys. As a result, the tensile force in the kidney capsule will rise, stretching the renal pedicle, and the adjacent organs will be stretched. That is why the pain occurs.
What will aggravate the back pain?
If the cysts are bleeding or get infection, the pain will become severer. In addition, if the patient also experiences kidney stones or urinary tract blocked by blood clot, the pain may become sharp colic.
Avoid fierce physical activities and trauma in abdomen.
Replace belt with gallus for fear of the rupture of cysts.
Here, I strongly suggest patients should receive treatment to control the growth of the cysts. Only the cysts are controlled can the back pain disappear in turn.
The pain is usually dull pain
The back pain is usually dull pain, which can be pain in either one side of the kidney or both sides. The back, upside, inner part of the thighs can also be influenced.
What are the reasons of back pain?
As we all know there are numerous cysts in both kidneys of PKD patients. The continuous growth of kidney cysts will lead to the enlargement of the kidneys. As a result, the tensile force in the kidney capsule will rise, stretching the renal pedicle, and the adjacent organs will be stretched. That is why the pain occurs.
What will aggravate the back pain?
If the cysts are bleeding or get infection, the pain will become severer. In addition, if the patient also experiences kidney stones or urinary tract blocked by blood clot, the pain may become sharp colic.
Avoid fierce physical activities and trauma in abdomen.
Replace belt with gallus for fear of the rupture of cysts.
Here, I strongly suggest patients should receive treatment to control the growth of the cysts. Only the cysts are controlled can the back pain disappear in turn.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Causes and Treatment Principles of Hematuria Induced by PKD
Hematuria is usually the first sign for many PKD patients because if it is gross hematuria, many patients can notice that. Then, they go to have a check and be identified with PKD. There are mainly two types of hematuria: gross hematuria (can be seen by naked eyes) and microscopic hematuria( can not be seen by eyes but can be found under microscope). Then, why patients suffer from hematuria and how do red blood cells get into patients' urine?
1. Fracture of blood vessels
For Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, hematuria can be caused by fracture of blood vessels. The continuous enlargement of the cysts will press the kidney tissues and blood vessels around the cysts greatly, leading to the damage of endothelial cells in renal blood capillary. As a result, hematuria will present with more and more blood capillaries are damaged.
2. Poor blood circulation in kidneys
For patients with PKD, the pressure caused by the cysts will lead to the poor blood circulation in kidneys, leading to the renal ischemia. And kidney ischemia will lead to the damage of kidney cells, which include glomerular membrane. The broken glomerular membrane can not prevent red blood cells from leaking out with urine.
Treatment principles of hematuria for PKD patients
1. Shrink the cysts
As for shrink the cysts for PKD, many patients will choose surgeries to pump the cysts or remove the cysts, which can indeed alleviate the hematuria to some extent. However, the trauma caused by recurrent surgeries can not be neglected either.
2. Repair the damaged kidney units
Traditional Chinese Medicine has the effective efficacy to repair the damaged kidney units by dilating the blood vessels and providing enough nutrition.
Hematuria is a common complication that PKD patients can not neglect. If not, the illness condition can be aggravated. Sincerely hope patients receive proper treatment promptly to bring it under control.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Hematuria, High Blood Pressure, Back Pain Secondary to PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)
In this early stage, PKD patients do not have any discomforts. However, as the growth of kidney cysts, a lot of symptoms can be triggered. Hematuria, high blood pressure and backache are the common ones.
Hematuria (blood in urine) can be presented as gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. It can be caused by the following reasons.
The cysts bleeding. When the cysts are large enough, they can not bear the pressure from the next organs any longer. It is very easy for them to burst. At this time, patients will present hematuria.
The damage of glomeruli. The cysts will cause too much pressure of the kidney tissues, which will damage the kidney unites. If the filtration membrane of glomeruli is damaged, the red blood cells can leak out of the filtration membrane and go out of the body with urine.
High blood pressure
Usually, high blood pressure can be the first symptom of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). Patients can present high blood pressure when they are 20-30 years old. The reason why high blood pressure occurs can be:
The cysts give pressure to the kidney units and renal ischemia will be triggered. At this time, kidneys will secrete too much renin, which will shrink the blood vessels thereby. High blood pressure occurs in this way.
High blood pressure can aggravate PKD to a large extent. The kidney function can be damaged further by high blood pressure. To bring down the blood pressure is necessary for PKD patients.
Back pain
Some people might have severe back pain, while some patients might not. The pain can be dull pain or flank pain. It is mainly caused by the enlargement of cysts. When the cysts grow bigger, the size of the kidney increases, and the tensile force in the renal capsule will rise. When the renal pedicle is stretched much, the neighboring organs will be pressed. As a result, the pain will occur.
Besides the following symptoms, urinary tract infections and cysts in other organs are also the common symptoms of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). Hope patients can find a natural way to control these symptoms. Anything you want to know about PKD, please contact our online medical staff. To help you is our best of hard work.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Polycystic Kidney Disease and Cola Colored Urine
When cola colored urine appears, PKD patients will feel worried. Then, why patients with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) present cola colored urine and how to deal with it?
The reason of cola colored urine is that there is blood in the urine. The medical name is hematuria or blood in urine. There are mainly two reasons for PKD patients who present cola colored urine.
1. The burst of kidney cysts
With the continuous growth of these cysts, they have the chance to burst. They are very likely to burst even without provocation. Then, the blood will go out of the body with urine. Then, hematuria occurs and patients will see cola colored urine when they urinating.
2. The broken of glomerular filtration membrane
Also, the continuous enlargement of the cysts will oppress the kidney units. When the kidney units can not bear the pressure, they will break. When the blood goes to the kidney filtration membrane, the red blood cells can go out of the membrane and be discharged out of body with urine.
The above two reasons can both lead to the appearance of cola colored urine. But the burst of the cysts is the most common one.
Then, how to deal with cola colored urine?
Your doctors might prescribe you some antibiotics and hemostatic agents to prevent the infection and stop the bleeding. The following measures are necessary with cola colored urine appears.
However, it can only deal with hematuria temporarily. What patients really need to do is shrink the cysts and repair the damaged filtration membrane.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in China has long been used in shrinking the cysts and repairing the damage filtration membrane for PKD patients. It can deal with the symptoms from root. When the cysts are shrunk and the damaged kidney units are repaired, all the symptoms such as hematuria, flank pain, high blood pressure will be alleviated.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease Symptoms
Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary diseases that multiple cysts are formed in renal cortex and renal medulla. Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease can be divided into Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) which patients will present symptoms when they are adults and Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD), which will show overt symptoms in infants.
Symptoms of Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease
In the early stage, the kidneys are in the normal size because the cysts are very tiny. At the age of 40-50, the kidneys will enlarge obviously and patients begin to suffer from a series of symptoms. The main manifestations can be enlarged kidneys, back pain, hematuria and high blood pressure etc.
1. Enlarged kidneys
Usually, the two kidneys are not in the same size because the illness progresses differently in two sides. In the late stage, the cysts can fill with the entire abdominal cavity.
2. Back pain
Patients will feel dull pain or discomforts in the abdomen. Patients can feel the pain after having physical activities, walking for a long time and sitting for a long time. Cyst bleeding, kidney stone or infections can also be a reason of pain in kidneys.
3. Hematuria
Patients can have gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria, which is caused by the cyst bleeding in most cases.
4. Hypertension (High blood pressure)
High blood pressure is the primary symptom in most cases that predates other symptoms. However, this symptom is not easy to be noticed.
5. Polycystic Liver
Half patients who are identified with Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease in their middle age are accompanied with Polycystic Liver. Generally, 10 years later you will find Polycystic liver after you are diagnosed with Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease.
The above are the common Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease symptoms. Most patients with Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease ill develop into kidney failure. Hope patients will receive treatment before it is too late.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Five Stages of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary disease that numerous cysts are formed in the kidneys. The onset and progress of this disease also follow some rules. The stages of Polycystic Kidney Disease are as follows.
1. Emergence Stage
This disease is a kind of hereditary disease that patients are born with cysts. At this stage, the cysts are very tiny, which are not easy to be detected. Generally, patients can not find the cysts until they are over 20 years old. So, if there is a member in your family who has PKD, you should perform a check as early as possible.
2. Growth Stage
The cysts will grow very fast when patients are 30-40 years old. In the medical area, this stage is called growth stage. At this stage, patients should have intensive monitor. The western medicines can do nothing in this period and patients just take some tablets to control the symptoms. However, patients should receive active therapy at this stage. In China, the Chinese medicines are mainly adopted to shrink the cysts. If proper treatment is received at this stage, patients can control their condition effectively and prolong their life expectancy.
3. Swelling Stage
When patients enter into 40 years old, the cysts will grow further. When the cysts are over 4cm in diameter, there is high risk that the cysts will break. As the continuous growth of the cysts, a series of symptoms like backache, proteinuria, hematuria, and high blood pressure will present. At this stage, patients should combine Chinese medicine and Western medicine to cope with Polycystic Kidney Disease.
4. Rupture stage
With the continuous growth of kidney cysts, most patients will present cyst rupture even without provocation. If such condition occurs, patients should go to hospital immediately and control their infections for fear of ichorrhemia, and sharp decline of kidney function.
5. End Stage Renal Disease Stage
Most patients at this stage would have started dialysis or they have been put on a waiting list.
Hope patients could receive treatment as early as possible before it is too late. If you have other problems, please consult our online
Friday, April 26, 2013
How to Prevent PKD Leading to Renal Failure
PKD is a genetic disease which is generally born with. Patients with PKD will have obvious symptoms after the middle age that slowly deteriorates. There are a lot of cases in which PKD leads to renal failure. How to prevent PKD leading to renal failure?
1. Take prompt measures to prevent and treat complications of PKD that include cyst rupture, urinary tract infection, and high blood pressure. These complications will speed up the deterioration of kidney function. So it is important to treat these complications. But avoid the kidney-toxic drugs during treatment.
2. Early detection. Since the symptoms of PKD occur after middle age, a part of people don’t notice PKD until the complications happen. It is very dangerous and it is very hard to control the disease. People who have the family history of PKD need to regular do tests.
3. Home remedy. Keep good moods and avoid overwork. Follow the doctor’s advice. Have a light diet and eat more fruits. Control the intake of protein. It is better for your health to give up smoking and alcohol. When high blood pressure is serous and edema happens, restrict the salt intake. Properly exercise but avoid the extensive exercise.
The above is the some methods which help you prevent PKD leading to renal failure. Hope it is useful to you.
Occult Blood in Urine for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a progressive and debilitating kidney disease. This disease is characterized by numerous cysts formed in the kidneys. The common symptoms of PKD contain:
● Occult blood in urine (Hematuria, cola-colored urine)
● High blood pressure
● Cysts in other organs
● Urinary tract infections
The major cause of PKD is hereditary factors, although it has also been linked to other factors, such as gene mutation. PKD will run in the families. PKD is a progressive disease that develops slowly in the early stage often over the course of decades. However, it can develop very fast when symptoms occurred. Most patients will advance into kidney failure if no effective treatment is received to control the growth of kidney cysts. In the following articles, I will mainly introduce the symptom of occult blood in urine for PKD patients.
Most patients do not feel their disease is a concern until they find occult blood in urine, which makes them to go for medical help. There are mainly two reasons which can lead to occult blood in urine.
1. Cysts bleeding: with the continuous growth of kidney cysts, when they are 4cm larger in diameter, there is high possibility that they are going to rupture. Most patients have cysts rupture even without provocation. When cysts break, the red blood cells from the blood vessel will go out of body with urine. Cyst bleeding is the main reason of occult blood in urine occurs.
2. The damage of kidney units: the continuous growth of kidney cysts will damage kidney units. Gradually, kidneys will lose its function and the glomerular filtration membrane and the renal tubules will be damaged. When the filtration membrane and the renal tubules are damaged, the red blood cells will filter out, while the renal tubules can not also reabsorb them. Thus, these red blood cells will go out of body with urine.
To deal with occult blood in urine, patients should not only take hemostatics, which is temporary.
To deal with the problem, a natural therapy is needed. Surgeries are not proper because so many cysts are involved, experts have found a natural therapy-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. If you need more information about it, please contact our online
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Hypertension and Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Hypertension is a common complication of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) and occurs due to an increase in pressure in the blood vessels of the kidneys. This pressure is due to the continuous growth of numerous kidney cysts. The increased pressure causes damage to the vessels causing blood back up in the veins of the body.
When hypertension occurs for PKD patients, the blood vessels constrict, becoming narrow and thick. This means blood is able to flow through the blood vessels. When this happens, pressure within the vessels builds up and the heart muscle must work harder to force the blood through. When the pressure becomes too high, the heart can not keep up and less blood will be circulated through the kidneys. This will result in less oxygen and anoxia to the entire body.
There are two types of high blood pressure for PKD patients: primary and secondary. Primary hypertension is uncommon and the exact cause is unknown. A diagnosis is made when all other causes have been ruled out.
Secondary hypertension occurs far more frequently and is caused by continuous growth of kidney cysts in the body.
When hypertension occurs, it will aggravate the disease further, thus forming a vicious circle. So, PKD patients should bring your blood pressure under control. Watch your salt intake is necessary for you when high blood pressure occurs.
Besides taking antihypertensive medicines to control your high blood pressure, patients should receive a holistic treatment to control the cysts growth and repair the kidney lesions. The key to treat hypertension secondary to Polycystic Kidney Disease is to shrink the cysts. Meanwhile, the blood and nutrition supply is also necessary. Thousands of clinical cases have proved that Chinese herbs can remove the cysts in a natural way and repair the damaged kidney lesions. When the bigger cysts are reduced and the smaller ones are controlled, the hypertension secondary to PKD can be treated naturally. At this time, you do not have to rely on the pills to control the hypertension.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Polycystic Kidney Disease and Hip Pain
Approximately one in 1.000 Americans has Polycystic Kidney Disease. There are many symptoms associated with the disorder and one of them is hip pain.
There are mainly two types of PKD. One is Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. The other is Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. Patients experience ADPKD in adulthood while you may experience ARPKD after birth or childhood.
For PKD patients, their kidneys are filled with clusters of cysts. With the cysts enlarging, they cause various symptoms, including back pain and hip pain.
Hip pain
One common symptoms of PKD is hip pain. With hip pain you undergo soreness or mild pain in your hip.
Other symptoms
You may also experience other symptoms, such as high blood pressure (herbal remedy to lower high blood pressure caused by PKD), enlarged stomach, excessive nocturnal urination, blood in urine, back pain, flank pain, side pain. In addition, you may also undergo poor sleep and appetite, fatigue, nausea and vomiting etc.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture (acupuncture alleviate Polycystic Kidneys) is an effective natural remedy for chronic pain, especially back pain, hip pain and headache. How does acupuncture alleviate hip pain? One holds that the needle stimulates pain-sensing nerves, which trigger the brain to release opiumlike compounds called endorphins that circulate in the body. The other holds that acupuncture works through a placebo effect, in which the patient's thinking releases endorphins.
Herbs. Herbs are used to shrink renal cysts and ease some symptoms in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease. The herbs that benefit your conditions including
dandelion root, which can help the kidneys excrete waste;
cranberry, which has antibiotic properties and helps to acidify urine;
celery, which works as a diuretic to decrease uric acid;
parsley, which works as a diuretic to decrease uric acid;
hydrangea, which cleanses the urinary tract;
Uva Ursi, which is has germicidal properties that cleanse the urinary tract.
When herbs shrink your cysts into small size, your hip pain or other symptoms will release spontaneously. Before you use any herb, you need ask your doctors or you can contact our free online service to ensure safe use of herbs.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Can Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease Be Cured
Maybe your hope to cure adult polycystic kidney disease has been denied by doctors and you have to receive dialysis for sustaining life in the future. Do not lose heart, for you can get a good curative effect from the herb therapy which has brought many people with polycystic kidney disease to a healthy life. In the following you are going to read the details about this therapy and its curative effect.
Can I know more about adult polycystic kidney disease?
Adult polycystic kidney disease means that patients who have been diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease are adult. Adult polycystic kidney disease is the most common inherited kidney disease and it also called Autosomal dominant PKD which means that there is a 50 percent chance that the disease gene will pass to a child if one parent has PKD.
Patients with adult polycystic kidney disease have a many big or small cysts in kidneys. The lining cells in cysts can divide cells and secret cyst fluid ceaselessly, resulting in the enlargement of cysts and swollen kidneys. Some people’s kidneys have been stretched as big as 20cm, which is twice bigger than the healthy kidneys. Thereby the kidney tissues have been seriously damaged.
Is there any therapy to cure kidney disease?
Most patients with adult polycystic kidney disease do not receive paracentesis which may be useful for a simply cysts but would lose its effectiveness for polycystic kidney disease. Pumping the cyst fluid by a needle is not a good idea for treatment of so many cysts in kidneys.
Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy can regulate the body tissues in order to block the cysts to grow bigger. The ingredients of Chinese herbs can change the function of lining cells, so they can absorb fluid from the cysts. So the cyst would shrink gradually after using micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy for some time. When your cysts are small enough, your kidneys function would not be affected.
If your condition is serious and your polycystic kidney disease has been developed into renal failure or ESRD, you need Immunotherapy to provide numerous healthy cells to repair kidney tissues. Just injecting Immunotherapy to your body, you will get many immature cells which can differentiate into varied cells for kidney need. Then your kidney function would be greatly increased.
Adult polycystic kidney disease may scare you or you and your family members are worried about the deterioration of your condition. The therapies in our hospital can give you a hope and an actual good effect to you. Consult our experts online for more detailed information about the treatment.
Can Immunotherapy Be Effective to Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients
As a brand new kidney disease treatment, Immunotherapy has shown its great vitality in treating kidney disease. It has greatly improved the therapeutic effect of kidney disease treatment. As we all know, Immunotherapy have the function of self-renewing and multi-directional differentiation, and their main function during the treatment is repairing and regenerating renal intrinsic cells.
But can Immunotherapy be effective to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) which is a kind of genetic disease? I think, most PKD patients will have this question.
The answer is yes. Immunotherapy also have great effect in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease though gene problem can not be changed completely. As for patients who are suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease, there is kidney problem since they are born though this disease usually occurs when patients are at 30 to 40 years old.
Generally, we suggest Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients because this treatment can control cysts enlargement and repair kidney greatly. However, this treatment can not play function on these necrosis nephrons, which is the reason why
Immunotherapy should be adopted with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Due to their powerful vitality in repairing and regenerating various kidney intrinsic cells, they can differentiate into new nephrons which can take the place of these necrosis cells. In this way, Polycystic Kidney Disease can be controlled much more effectively with no surgical operation and less reoccurrence. If you need more information about Polycystic Kidney Disease or such treatment, you can email to kidneyfailurecn@hotmail.com or consult our doctors online for free.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Polycystic Kidney Disease: Does Hypertension Cause Cyst Rupture
More than 50 percent of Polycystic Kidney Disease cases will suffer from Hypertension before their 30 years of age. Hypertension always promotes the progression of kidney damages.
Does high blood pressure cause cyst rupture?
From clinic data, we find that patients with high blood pressure tends to cyst rupture earlier than those who’s blood pressure is lower. What’s the relationship between them?
In fact, when renal cysts grow up enough, especially, when they are larger than 3cm, they will oppress nearby kidney tissues, leading to renal ischemia. If untreated, PKD will develop into renal failure very soon.
When renal ischemia occurs, kidneys will secrete a series of hormones. One of them is known as renin. This is the initial substances that activate renin-angiotensin system to rise blood pressure.
Renin-containing cells exist in attenuated arteries in the cyst wall and in cells in the lining tissues around cysts. Besides, inside the cysts walls, there is a layer of epithelial cells which also can increase the quantity of renin. In addition, the active renin is usually present within the cyst fluid.
Renin is proven to promote epithelial cell hyperplasia.
Epithelial cell hyperplasia
Epithelia cells are the birthplace of the cyst fluids. In other words, these cells generate cyst fluids which enlarge cysts day and night. Epithelial cell hyperplasia caused by hypertension will increase the ability to enlarge cysts. This is why hypertension patients are easy to suffer from cyst rupture than others.
Hypertension prevention
The degree of early hypertension varies with the degree of structural change, as patients with normal serum creatinine with an elevated blood pressure tend to have a higher total cyst volume than those who are normotensive.
Chinese herbs are suggested to prevent hypertension and lower high blood pressure naturally. Meantime, they can shrink renal cysts naturally, thus avoids the cyst rupture.
Hypertension is a sign to kidney damages caused by cysts. If you find your blood pressure increasing, you are suggested to take measures immediately. Otherwise, the further kidney damages may disturb your normal life forever.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Polycystic Kidney Disease, High Creatinine Level 2.96
Kidneys are like sewer, the metabolic waste, toxins and so on are eliminated through the sewer. As a metabolic macromolecule, creatinine can be eliminated with urine smoothly, so creatinine is treated as the indicator of kidney function.
However, Kidneys have compensatory ability, that is, there are only 25% kidney function can support kidneys eliminate toxins smoothly. So if we find some abnormal levels, such as high creatinine, there should be about 70% or 75% kidney functions have been damaged. Your creatinine is 2.96 which is higher than the normal range, so it is your kidney function has been damaged surely. We suggest you take ECT test so that we can know your GFR, then make sure the stage of your condition.
There is one thing need your attention. PKD seldom causes symptoms, but once there is decreasing on renal function, the GFR will decrease at the speed of 5.5, then PKD will aggravate into renal failure in about 10 years.
Will dialysis is necessary?
However, now your renal function is about 23 to 25 according to experience, that is, you have the Stage 4 CKD, it is urgent for you to take treatment. If the treatment is applied timely, you can avoid renal failure, dialysis and kidney transplant.
What the recommended treatments?
As surgery can not stop the relapse of renal cysts, other alternative treatments are suggested. Chinese herbal medicine, which was established more than 2500 years before, can take effects on the epithelial lining cells locating inside cyst membrane. These cells are the birthplace of cyst fluids, which enlarges cysts day and night.
When ingredients of herbal medicine arrive at kidney lesions, they can help shrink renal cysts and repair damaged kidney tissues naturally.
The free medical video consultation is going on at Kidney Disease Hospital. If you are interested about Chinese herbs, Immunotherapy, you are invited and you can make an appointment in advance by our free online service.
Dont miss: Natural Way to Lower High Creatinine in PKD
Polycystic Kidney Disease:What Does Blood in Urine Indicate
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic kidney disease in which numerous fluids-filled sacs develops on the surface or inside the kidneys. There is a layer of epithelial lining cells inside cyst membrane which secrets cyst fluids constantly. This is why cysts keep enlarging.
When renal cysts are larger than 5cm, they may rupture at any time, leading to blood in urine. Meantime, other factors also can trigger the bloody urine.
Blood in urine
If cyst ruptures inside the kidney tissues, it won’t put you into emergency. In this condition, you do not feel pain. But you will suffer a blood in urine out of a sudden.
When cyst ruptures and fluids spread into abdominal cavity, you need to visit hospital and if necessary, you need take a surgery. Almost this condition leads patients to danger.
As Polycystic Kidney Disease develops gradually, many complications will occur gradually. Kidney stones and urinary tract infection is very common.
Kidney stones also can lead to blood in urine. When stones flow into urinary tract, they will rub and stick in it. The hard stones will cut the tissue to bleed. In this condition, you will feel burning pain.
Repeated urinary tract infection is also far common for PKD patients, which also leads to red blood cells leaking from body with the progression of the disease.
No matter cyst rupture, kidney stone or urinary tract infection, all of them are caused by the underlying kidney cysts enlargement. Thereby, the treatment for PKD should deal with the kidney cysts.
Chinese herbal medicine is a natural remedy which can take effects on the birthplace of cyst fluids, that is, epithelial lining cells. After control the proliferation and change the structure of these cells, Chinese herbal medicine can helps shrink renal cysts and improve kidney functions naturally.
If you need more information about other symptoms of PKD, such as back pain, high blood pressure etc, you can Contact Online.
Friday, April 12, 2013
What is the Color of Urine in PKD Patients
Healthy urine is generally clear and light yellow in color. Urine color changes occur due to a variety of causes, including an underlying disease. While, what is the color of urine in PKD patients?
Usually when people are diagnosed with PKD, they are unaware something was wrong to begin with. That's because symptoms of the disease often do not appear right away, and symptoms usually develop between the ages of 30 and 40.
The underlying problem is the development of cysts, or fluid filled sacs, in the kidneys. These cysts resemble water balloons and may also form in the liver, spleen, and pancreas. Symptoms tend to begin as the cysts reach a size or number than impairs kidney function.
What is the color of urine in PKD patients? The urine may appear pink, red or brown. This is a sign of blood in urine (hematuria). At some point, almost 50% of those with ADPKD may detect this symptom. Blood may appear in the urine from a cyst that ruptures, or from local kidney damage. Those who also have kidney stones may detect blood in their urine.
Other changes in urination of people with PKD:
▪ Frequent or recurrence urinary tract infection.
Approximately 30%~50% of patients with ADPKD will have a urinary tract infection during their lifetime. This is more likely to occur in women.
▪ Excessive urination at night (nocturia)
▪ Frequent urination all day
▪ Bubbly, or foamy urine
▪ Large urine volumes (polyuria)
▪ Burning sensation during urination
The goal of treatment for PKD include controlling symptoms, shrinking the enlarged cysts, and prevent further progressing. If you or your beloved ones are diagnosed with kidney disease, we are here to help.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
What To Do for Polycystic Kidney Pain
Polycystic Kidney Pain is a common complaint for most patients. Polycystic Kidney Disease has intractable disabling chronic kidney pain. Many factors may be blamed for this and some methods are expected to handle it.
For people with Polycystic Kidney Disease, they will suffer from chronic pain, as the disease progresses. The common pains include Back pain, abdomen pain, flank pain, side pain etc.
What causes these pains?
Different with other kidney disease, PKD is related to not only one factor that can lead to pain. Except the disease itself, the complication of it also can cause various pains.
- Cyst enlargement. There is a layer of epithelial lining cells which generate cyst fluids constantly, increasing the size of renal cysts. When the cysts become larger and larger, they will suppress kidney tissues and replace of it. The increased cyst liquid makes cyst membrane stretch, leading to tearing pain. Meantime, enlarged cysts can cause your back pain and flank pain.
- Kidney stone (PKD, Kidney Stone, CKD stage 4). Kidney stone is a common complication of Polycystic Kidney Disease. When kidney stones flow into urinary tract, many stones will be stuck and rub each other. If stones rubs your urinary tract, you will feel burning pain.
- Cyst rupture. As long as your renal cysts are larger than 5cm, there is a chance that your cysts can rupture at any time. If cyst ruptures inside kidneys, there is no serious pain. However, if it breaks into abdominal cavity, it will get your internal organ infected, causing extreme pain. And if necessary, your doctor will perform a surgery.
What to do with Polycystic Kidney Pain?
- shrinking renal cysts and decreasing cyst size. Chinese herbal medicine contains many ingredients which can take effects on epithelial cells to shrink renal cysts in size an in number naturally.
- cleansing away kidney stones. Some surgery can help break stones into small pieces which can be cleansed away through urination. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine is helpful to dissolve the stone and eliminate them without surgery.
- Change lifestyle to avoid cyst rupture .Use a gallus instead of tighten belts and avoid hit to abdomens.
Different people may suffer various Polycystic Kidney Pains. If you want to known more suggestions, you can CONTACT US ONLINE. We will offer an analysis for you shortly.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Herbal Medicine for PKD with Creatinine 5.78 , UA 7.5, UN 46
"I am suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease for about 25 years, kidneys are getting bigger and bigger to suppress other organs. Now creatinine is 5.78, UA 7.5, UN 46. What kind of Chinese herbal medicine can shrink my cysts?"
From your description, your disease may be in the CKD Stage 4 with less than 30% of kidney function left. In this stage, effective treatment should be conducted to prevent PKD from developing into end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
Your creatinine 5.78 is much higher than the normal range (about 0.6~1.2). This means that your renal function has been severely damaged.
Your UA is 7.5, which is a little higher than the normal values range (3.5~7.2 mg/dL). If the uric acid produced by the body doesn't be removed by the kidneys, you can get sick.
Your UN is 46, which is much higher than the reference range (7~21 mg/dL). There are elevated amount of a waste product called urea in the blood. Since your kidney function is impaired, the urea will build up in the blood.
Your illness condition is already in the advanced stage, systemic treatment is necessary to recover your kidney function, not only a symptomatic medicine therapy. For your condition, we recommended integrated Chinese herbal remedy and western medicine treatment.
Western medicines are used to help relieve various discomforts like blood in urine, pain, high blood pressure and so on. Then, your sufferings will be reduced in a certain degree.
Meanwhile, herbal medicine called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is adopted to restrain the enlargement of PKD cysts and shrink them gradually. It is an external applications on the back. Chinese medicines abstracted from herbal plants are micronized into granules. With the help of modern osmosis device, the medicine will permeate into the renal lesions directly.
Under this treatment, your residual kidney function can get well protected, and damaged renal function will be improved after period of treatment. With effective treatment, you can certainly avoid a kidney dialysis or transplant.
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