Sunday, March 17, 2013

Proper Diet to Control Your Polycystic Kidney Disease

A kidney support diet is generally considered as the best natural treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease. It can control the various symptoms of PKD, keeping your kidneys healthy for longer. So dialysis can be delayed or even avoided. Therefore, arrange a proper diet is an effective way to slow the progression of your disease.

Low-protein diet

Protein is broken down by the liver, and a waste product called urea is produced. Our kidneys are responsible to get rid of wastes, so excess protein intake will put a strain on the kidneys.
The daily intake of 8g protein per kilo of body weight is recommended. You are suggested to eat less meat, cheese, and avoid beans, bean products. Use vegetables and grains as the main dishes and healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil can be added when excess calories are needed.

Low-salt diet

Cut back on salt can help you keep your electrolytes balanced. Electrolytes are vital minerals in the body, such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Kidneys can help us keep these in balance. Too much intake of salt can break the delicate balance, even causing high blood pressure in PKD.

Instead of using salt, you can use garlic powder, onion powder or other herbs and spices. Limit the use of sauces like soy sauce and ketchup. Avoid highly processed foods like meats, soups, and vegetables that come in cans.

No oxalic acid

Trying to avoid putting extra strain on your kidneys, you need to stay away from high oxalic acid foods, such as spinach, rhubarb, beets, eggplants, and cocoa.

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