Saturday, March 30, 2013

Polycystic Kidney Disease and Drinking Water

Approximately 50% of people with Polycystic Kidney Disease will end up with kidney failure, but dietary changes can help improve the overall health of most patients, possibly preventing further deterioration. Then, how about drinking water of PKD patients?

In general, all patients, especially people with Autosomal Dominant PKD, need to have adequate intake of fluid on daily basis. Some doctors recommend that patients in the early stage drink plenty of water, as they lost the ability to concentrate their urine. This means that their kidneys are unable to hold on to or reabsorb water as well as other individuals.

This defect may be mild; nonetheless, if patients don't have access to liquids, particularly during heavy physical exercises of extreme heat, significant dehydration can be caused.

However, for patients on dialysis, the amount of fluid intake depends on the urine volume and the type and frequency of dialysis employed. For patients who are suffering from anuria, their fluid intake is often restricted to 1 liter per day. Or, patients can ask the doctor about how much water to drink is safe.

In light of slowing the progression toward Renal Failure, PKD patients need to have a better understand how to make necessary adjustments for their individual situation.

Some other recommendations for your developing a healthy diet include:

▪ Eat a low sodium diet. Daily sodium intake can be limited to less than 300 milligrams. This kind of diet help reduce blood pressure and help slow the progression of PKD.

▪ Watch the caffeine. Caffeine may hasten the progression of PKD by elevating blood pressure, so you are recommended to avoid caffeine found in coffee, chocolate, black tea, green tea, white tea, cola, and even some decaf products.

▪ Get your omega-3's. This helps reduce inflammation and slows the aggravation of PKD.

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