Saturday, May 4, 2013

Causes and Treatment Principles of Hematuria Induced by PKD

Hematuria is usually the first sign for many PKD patients because if it is gross hematuria, many patients can notice that. Then, they go to have a check and be identified with PKD. There are mainly two types of hematuria: gross hematuria (can be seen by naked eyes) and microscopic hematuria( can not be seen by eyes but can be found under microscope). Then, why patients suffer from hematuria and how do red blood cells get into patients' urine?

1. Fracture of blood vessels

For Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, hematuria can be caused by fracture of blood vessels. The continuous enlargement of the cysts will press the kidney tissues and blood vessels around the cysts greatly, leading to the damage of endothelial cells in renal blood capillary. As a result, hematuria will present with more and more blood capillaries are damaged.

2. Poor blood circulation in kidneys

For patients with PKD, the pressure caused by the cysts will lead to the poor blood circulation in kidneys, leading to the renal ischemia. And kidney ischemia will lead to the damage of kidney cells, which include glomerular membrane. The broken glomerular membrane can not prevent red blood cells from leaking out with urine.

Treatment principles of hematuria for PKD patients

1. Shrink the cysts

As for shrink the cysts for PKD, many patients will choose surgeries to pump the cysts or remove the cysts, which can indeed alleviate the hematuria to some extent. However, the trauma caused by recurrent surgeries can not be neglected either.

2. Repair the damaged kidney units

Traditional Chinese Medicine has the effective efficacy to repair the damaged kidney units by dilating the blood vessels and providing enough nutrition.


Hematuria is a common complication that PKD patients can not neglect. If not, the illness condition can be aggravated. Sincerely hope patients receive proper treatment promptly to bring it under control.

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