Monday, November 11, 2013

Some Treatments for Polycystic Kidney Disease

PKD, which is the short version for polycystic kidney disease, is a type of illness that can cause havoc and bring about fluid filled cysts inside of your kidneys. If these cysts are to appear inside of your kidneys, then it’s going to really harm the way that these vital organs perform their proper functions of filtering out the unwanted waste that doesn’t belong in your body.

Progression of PKD can be slowed through medication, lifestyle choices and regular doctor visits. It is important to remember that the severity of PKD varies from patient to patient, and the probability of renal failure depends on the number and size of the cysts.

Control your blood pressure. PKD can lead to chronic high blood pressure, which can further damage the kidneys and even lead to aneurysms and other high blood pressure-related conditions.
Get regular checkups. Going to the doctor once or twice a year for a checkup and blood work can help your doctor detect complications, infections and massive cysts that can speed up the progression of PKD to end-stage kidney failure.

Undergo kidney dialysis or kidney transplant. According to the National Kidney and Urological Diseases Information Clearinghouse, 50 percent of the 600,000 Americans suffering from PKD will eventually require dialysis, removal of one or both kidneys and a kidney transplant.

Chinese herbs—It is a natural remedy with few side effects. As for the herbal lists, asiatic plantain and lalang grass rhizome have been proven that they can help increase the permeability of cystic walls and adjust the inner and outer pressure of the cysts.

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