Saturday, April 20, 2013

Polycystic Kidney Disease and Hip Pain

Approximately one in 1.000 Americans has Polycystic Kidney Disease. There are many symptoms associated with the disorder and one of them is hip pain.


There are mainly two types of PKD. One is Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. The other is Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. Patients experience ADPKD in adulthood while you may experience ARPKD after birth or childhood.

For PKD patients, their kidneys are filled with clusters of cysts. With the cysts enlarging, they cause various symptoms, including back pain and hip pain.

Hip pain

One common symptoms of PKD is hip pain. With hip pain you undergo soreness or mild pain in your hip.

Other symptoms

You may also experience other symptoms, such as high blood pressure (herbal remedy to lower high blood pressure caused by PKD), enlarged stomach, excessive nocturnal urination, blood in urine, back pain, flank pain, side pain. In addition, you may also undergo poor sleep and appetite, fatigue, nausea and vomiting etc.


Acupuncture. Acupuncture (acupuncture alleviate Polycystic Kidneys) is an effective natural remedy for chronic pain, especially back pain, hip pain and headache. How does acupuncture alleviate hip pain? One holds that the needle stimulates pain-sensing nerves, which trigger the brain to release opiumlike compounds called endorphins that circulate in the body. The other holds that acupuncture works through a placebo effect, in which the patient's thinking releases endorphins.

Herbs. Herbs are used to shrink renal cysts and ease some symptoms in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease. The herbs that benefit your conditions including

dandelion root, which can help the kidneys excrete waste;

cranberry, which has antibiotic properties and helps to acidify urine;

celery, which works as a diuretic to decrease uric acid;

parsley, which works as a diuretic to decrease uric acid;

hydrangea, which cleanses the urinary tract;

Uva Ursi, which is has germicidal properties that cleanse the urinary tract.

When herbs shrink your cysts into small size, your hip pain or other symptoms will release spontaneously. Before you use any herb, you need ask your doctors or you can contact our free online service to ensure safe use of herbs.

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