Monday, April 1, 2013

Chinese Herbal Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Healthy kidneys can filter out excess toxic and waste substances and fluid from the blood. In persons with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), the kidneys become enlarged with multiple cysts. These cysts grow out of control and can overrun the kidneys. In time, the PKD cysts damage the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure. The occurrence of Chinese herbal treatment-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy provides new hope to fight off this disease.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Based on 26 years' experience and expertise in treating kidney disease, the nation's top nephrologists in Kidney Hospital China invent this innovative herbal treatment. This therapy combines the advantages of Chinese and western medicine. It can stop the continuous growth of cysts, delay the occurrence of Renal Failure, and treat PKD from the root.

How to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Nephrologists point out that the pathological mechanism of this disease is damage and hyperplasia of epithelial cell in renal tubule. Corresponding treatment should focus on repairing these impaired cells.

Firstly, the continuously enlarged cysts will lead to short supply of oxygen and blood in the kidneys, known as renal ischemia and anoxia, so renal fibrosis can be started. Chinese herbal treatment can stop this process.

Secondly, under this treatment, we can decrease the formation of liquid within the cysts and reduce the pressure to the glomeruli, renal tubules and blood vessels, thus promoting the micro-blood circulation.

Finally, special materials contained in this herbal remedy can provide abundant nutrients to the repairing of damaged kidneys, such as microelements, organic acid, amino acid, vitamins, etc so as to accelerate the recovery of kidney function.

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