Saturday, March 9, 2013

Suggested Diet for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is one of the most common inherited diseases, and most of cases would end up in end-stage renal failure. However, with proper diet, patients can improve their conditions in a large degree.

Generally, patients with PKD should have a low-fat and high-antioxidant diet. It is said that plant proteins can help lower the blood pressure and slow the growth of kidney cysts. Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and slow the progression of PKD as well; it also has anti-hypertensive and lipid lowering effects.

High-fiber foods, which can combat insulin resistance, are also recommended—high insulin levels have been linked with heart disease and may accelerate the progression of PKD. Unlike other kinds of kidney diseases, patients with PKD require higher levels of potassium.

Foods can be taken by PKD patients:

▲ Soy protein : tofu, miso, tempeh.

▲ Foods that have high omega-3 content: salmon, herring, mackerel , anchovies, flaxseed, walnuts, pecans.

▲ High-potassium content foods: papaya, prune juice, honeydew, cantaloupe melon, banana, raisins, mango, pears, orange, orange juice, sweet potatoes.

▲ High-fiber content foods: spinach, broccoli, cabbage, pomegranate, grains. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is recommended, since they are excellent sources of vitamins and fiber.

Besides, patients with PKD should also know foods to be avoided. Limit the intake of animal protein. Excess amounts of salt, caffeine, and alcohol should also be avoided. Below is a list of a sample of what not to eat.

▼ Foods that have high sodium content: corned beef, instant noodles, potato chips, cured ham, table salt, preserved foods.

▼ High-protein foods: red meat, chicken, groundnuts, corn, lentils, chickpeas.

▼ Food that have high sugar content: cola drinks, chocolates, artificial sugars, powdered juices.

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